Gay pride logo pictures

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Head to and upload the picture or video file that you want to add the Pride filter to. Kapwing is free to use and works on any device. This tutorial uses Kapwing, an online editor for videos, GIFs, and images. You can add the Pride filter for free by following these four steps: In this tutorial, I'll explain how to add the rainbow stripes filter to any photo, video, or GIF file. Show your solidarity by posting a profile photo, cover image, or graphic with the rainbow colors on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Discord, and other social media profiles. The rainbow signifies support for equality, gay rights, and anti-discrimination. In addition to celebrating love of all sexual orientations, this month commemorates the violence and discrimination that has happened against these communities in the past. In 2020, this celebration is even more special because of the Supreme Court's recent decision to uphold employment protection for gray and transgender people. June is a month to celebrate the LGBTQ community with public support for equal rights. This article will show you how to make your pride picture with a free, online editor called Kapwing.

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June is Pride Month! Express your Pride in 2020 by adding a rainbow stripes overlay to your images, GIFs, banners, or videos.

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