Kiba and naruto gay sex fanfic

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Neji: Oh course, I would've seen then coming. Kurenai: Neji, you sure no one followed you here? *The witching hour is upon the small town, and the dark moves with purpose, towards a small apartment of a certain female Jounin…* *shudders* Gah, any way enjoy the craziness… and the random pussy joke *snort* Oh there is also a fucked up cameo by everyone’s favourite Snake Pervert. Still Itachi is a bloody moron with no idea about women, Naruto is fantastic as is Sai and Neji finally tries to get it on. SAFFY: More crossdressing in this fic than a crossdressing carnival! I hope you all enjoy this belated piece of random, this fic almost killed us *ded tired* Summary: Our Halloween special, delivered spectacularly late cos Real Life crashed into our fic bubble D: But we did this in the small hours of Halloween, so it counts! Warning(s): Crack humour, randomness, mentions of sexual activites, innuendo, bad language, drug referencesĭisclaimer: Masashi Kishimoto owns Naruto, not us *Weeps* Genre: Humour, crack! fic romance (sorta) Pairing: (Generally) GaaLee, SasuNaru, KakaIru, KankyShinoKiba, ShikaChou, SakuIno, KuraJira, TemaHin, GaiTsu (onesided), ItaSaku (onesided) ItaTen (one sided) Title: Halloween, A Carry on Naruto! fanfiction

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